Arbitrage Elite Review

What is the product about?

Created by Diego Duarte, Arbitrage Elite helps users to find commissions and then also find people who carry out these services on Fiverr. You then take the difference as your profit.

What is the product?

Arbitrage Elite comes in the form of a piece of downloadable software. Creator Diego Duarte says that this software is able to scan 3 websites in order to generate leads for you. These are Craigslist, Odesk and Elancer and Arbitrage Elite will scan them for jobs based around a keyword that you have specified. Arbitrage Elite then also scans Fiverr to find people who provide the service that people are looking for. You can then take the commission on, get somebody to do it for less than you are being paid, and take the difference between the two figures as your profit.

What is the investment vs. the rate of return?

The advertised payments for Arbitrage Elite are pretty odd. Diego Duarte says that there are two levels of product the basic (which only searches Craigslist) and Pro (which I am looking at). These are available for $27 and $47 respectively. At the time of writing though only the pro version is available which comes at a one-time cost of $30.45 although if you share Arbitrage Elite on Facebook you receive a $3 discount.

There is also a 2 week money back guarantee in place should you be unhappy with Arbitrage Elite. In terms of profitability, this is rather difficult to gauge. There is definitely some potential, but as to how much I think it is difficult to say. The fact is that there are only a limited number of niches and a large enough number of users will eat into this.

Does the product provide value for money?

At the current price, I think that Arbitrage Elite just about qualifies as fairly priced.


Arbitrage Elite presents an interesting opportunity in so much as this is something that is quite a unique niche in which to operate. The big question surrounding Arbitrage Elite is, as I have already touched upon, the sustainability if there are multiple users. There are going to be clear niches which will hold an advantage over others and these will be hotly contended.

That having been said the model is theoretically solid and a great way to earn a little income on the side. Personally, I’d trial this without the software first and if you believe that it is something you could make work for you, then you can commit to Arbitrage Elite and start streamlining the whole process.

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