What is the product about?
XL Empire is a piece of software that uses Skreened to sell t-shirts that it automatically designs and promotes.
What is the product?
XL Empire does 3 different but very much interlinked things. Firstly it identifies top selling niches for t-shirt sales on Skreened. Secondly it generates content for said niche. This could be an image, quotes from a film or celebrity or lyrics from a song. Finally XL Empire sends out a post on various social media sites advertising the new product. Because XL Empire uses Skreened this means that the shirts are printed and shipped at no cost to you which means no overheads or storing products.
What is the investment vs. the rate of return?
XL Empire is available on a 7 day trial basis which will set you back $7. After this the costs are automatically raised to $47. In terms of the rate of return, XL Empire claims that depending on how hard you work at it, you can expect to earn anywhere between $50 and $500.
Does the product provide value for money?
I think that the free trial is definitely worth a go, from there the value depends on whether this kind of product marketing is for you.
XL Empire is marketed as a business in a box and to some degree this is correct. Not only are you getting a business but it will be a profitable one because there are no overheads. That having been said unless you are lucky enough to end up on Skreened’s trending list I find it unlikely that you will ever end up making significant amounts of money. Bearing in mind the average profit for a vendor on Skreened is just $3, that’s a lot of t-shirts to sell to start making even 100 dollars. That doesn’t mean that it won’t work, far from it. I think XL Empire is built on solid foundations but I do think that you will have to throw a lot at the wall before anything really sticks.